
Showing posts from September, 2024


This account ,  Tom Pooley’s Fateful Year is, I freely admit, a contrived work and does not claim to be either an academic paper or 'history'. It is a jeu d’esprit in the sense that I thoroughly enjoyed putting it together and it is a personal interpretation of Pooley's 'year'; it is the story that I and he wanted to be told.  It contains, however, much of Pooley’s own work.  He has contributed more to it than I have, indeed the work must be something like  60% Pooley and 40% Pooley-pastiche supplied by me, Wayland Wordsmith, and, I hasten to add, the vituperative content is 100% Tom Pooley. The writings of Tom Pooley exist and the original manuscripts are in the public domain but they are such a kaleidoscope of fantastic ideas with so many repetitions and confusions and with such bizarre capitalization and with such an unconventional orthography that they needed the savage edit which I have sought to apply. Most 'serious' commentators, lawyers and histori...


(What's this?   Check out: The 'real' Tom Pooley.   ) TOM POOLEY’S FATEFUL YEAR. I am that same Thomas Pooley who has been through all the Christian Traps and Snares.   I am that Thomas Pooley whose name was in all the newspapers of all England in the year 1857 which was my Fateful Year. In my Fateful Year I went through all the Christian Traps and Snares and the One Almighty and Mr. Holyoake has brought me through and trampled Christian Tyranny underfoot. I was born to call all men to Pause and seek the Truth.  I was born to that Grand Cause that the One Almighty has decreed for the Peace, Love and Harmony of Man.  But Christian Tyrants dread to give Man those Laws that would bring Peace, Love and Harmony to Man. and I have seen how the One and True Almighty has shown His Power in this Cause and Christian Tyrants are beginning to tremble.  Christian Tyrants are beginning to feel that they have been gammoned and that there is a wise and powerful One Al...